Saturday, February 13, 2010


The second weekend of my stay, I visited Rome over the weekend. I love Florence, Florence is my hometown, but Rome is undoubtedly beautiful also. People also dress a bit more edgier. Its also a tourist town, but the monuments being close to each other makes it a lot easier to see everything in a short amount of time. The inspirational moment was when we went to mass at the Vatican and heard the Pope speak out of his bedroom window, greeting everyone in 7 different languages. I thought I would be so concentrated on watching how people dress on the streets, but once I enter a museum or a church, everything flies away. And that, as a designer, is an inspirational moment. When clothes itself do not hypnotize you, but art and creation in different forms just give you that jolt of energy, and the skill kicks in when you can translate how you felt, how it made your eyes dazzle, into garments. And you couldn't possibly think of any other way to describe that energy flowing through you.